Broadband IP is supplied with a source-level licence
Cambridge (UK)
27 March 2003
Cambridge-based, Cadence spin-out, Commsonic has added a multi-mode, multi-rate QAM modem and 802.16 Channel Codec to its family of broadband communications IP.
The CMS0004 modulator and CMS0006 demodulator support QAM orders from 2 to 256 and are intended for a wide range of applications including terrestrial, cable and satellite links carrying up to STM-1 capacity (155Mb/s).
The CMS0005 Channel Codec implements all of the physical-layer formatting, deformatting and FEC functions specified by the IEEE 802.16a Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN) Standard. This new OFDM-based Standard supports data rates up to approximately 100Mb/s and has been designed for the robust delivery of multi-media services over fixed point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless links in the frequency range from 2GHz to 11GHz. Its most immediate application is as a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) backhaul technology for 'hotspots' operating the 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Standard.
Commsonic's IP family is supplied with a source-level (VHDL) licence and includes vector-matched C++ models for use in system simulations. Other family members include configurable Reed-Solomon and Convolutional FEC codecs.
About Commsonic
Commsonic's IP family is supplied with a source-level (VHDL) licence and includes vector-matched C++ models for use in system simulations. Other family members include configurable Reed-Solomon and Convolutional FEC codecs.
tel: +44 (0)1223 421 845